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You are viewing Cheat Codes for SimTower System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2005-12-03 04:42:17 Views : 21257 Start with $4 million: Begin a new game and attempt to place a lobby section all the way to the bottom and the left of the edit screen. Automatic removal: Hold [Shift] when placing a new unit over an existing item. Build three-story lobby and get $4 million: Hold [Ctrl] + [Shift] and click on "Lobby". Attempt to build it on the bottom left corner of the screen under ground, then keep holding [Ctrl] + [Shift] and build a lobby at any location. Three-story lobby: Hold [Ctrl] + [Shift] when placing the first lobby section. Two-story lobby: Hold [Ctrl] when placing the first lobby section. Extra money: Use the magnifying glass to click on the condo that is marked "For Sale". A message similar to "The conditions are terrible" will appear.. Click on the current price, and lower it to $4,000. The comments will disappear, but do not exit. Immediately after the price has been lowered, increase it to $20,000. Note: This trick can also be used with other rooms, such as offices, hotel rooms, and the small retail shops. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more SimTower cheat codes.
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